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City Chic Decor


How to Move on After a Breakup



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Having any relationship end is absolutely devastating, especially a romantic one. Whether you had only been dating for a few months or lived in the same home together, the pain is completely and utterly gut-wrenching. I know part of this post isn’t “design” related, but I thought some of these tips would be helpful for any of my readers going through a similar situation.

Learn from the relationship

This is purely situational, depending on why the breakup occurred. I know it’s hard to think, “devils advocate” after a relationship ends, but it’s important to look back and understand what went wrong and how to learn from it. I know I’ve had my faults in past relationships and I hope to grow into a better person by learning from those mistakes.

Get rid of anything that reminds you of them

Whether it be a couch you both owned together or just a sentimental piece of jewelry they gifted you, it’s time to get rid of it. This is the time to start fresh and keeping something that always reminds you of them is not helpful in terms of moving on.

Cut ties

Unfollowing that person on social media will help shield you from unnecessary pain. I’m not saying this has to be forever, but definitely until the immediate pain subsides. Do not feel guilty or cruel for doing this: This is to help you through the grieving process. In addition to social media accounts, it’s also important to delete their number from your phone. This is so you don’t fall into those sudden urges of wanting to text that person. We all have those..

Turn your grief into something positive

We all need that good cry or two, but don’t spend weeks laying in your bed and thinking about what “could have been.” Take that sadnesses and turn it into passion. Put that energy into working on yourself, going to the gym more, redecorating your apartment, taking on a new hobby, etc..

Know that it will take some time to fill that void

Getting over heart-break won’t happen overnight. Instead of choosing to stay in, no matter how hard it is, go spend time with your family and friends. This is the time to surround yourself with people who love and care about you. Time will heal.

If any of you have more tips to share, please feel free to comment below.

xo, Chelsey

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  1. Sarah G says:

    Wow I actually really needed this right now. Thank you so much

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Hi, I'm Chelsey

I’m an interior decorator, author, and “heirloom hunter”, discovering and returning lost family artifacts along my search for home accents. I'm also a dog mom, and very well aware there are some people who just follow me for him.

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